Achieving objectives


Solid and transparent values are the foundation of all of the STEGO Group’s activities. Our objectives with respect to the company’s quality and environmental policies ensure sustainability and transparency as well as the all-round satisfaction of customers, partners and the workforce.

As an international company, we see cultures as the diversity of life. That is why people count at STEGO; they are at the forefront of our thinking and acting.

Achieving objectives


Solid and transparent values are the foundation of all of the STEGO Group’s activities. Our objectives with respect to the company’s quality and environmental policies ensure sustainability and transparency as well as the all-round satisfaction of customers, partners and the workforce.

As an international company, we see cultures as the diversity of life. That is why people count at STEGO; they are at the forefront of our thinking and acting.

Environmental protection

We feel a deep commitment to our environment. In other words, constantly improving our company means reducing our environmental impact. “Save the planet” is the name of one of our internal projects, whereby all of our departmental managers actively subject the company to continuous review and minimise resource consumption by introducing improvements.

New buildings at STEGO are constructed in accordance with the KfW40 building standard. This energy standard saves resources in the long term and enables us to integrate energy efficiency and environmental protection into our corporate growth. We are, for example, even harnessing renewable energy by using our own photovoltaic system at our company site.

We place great value on sustainability in our products. Our motto is that the company’s resources must be used in a consistent and efficient manner. The objective of conserving resources in the production process is already defined during the product development phase. An example of this is the foregoing of plastic packaging for our products. Sustainable construction ensures that, after their life cycle, our products are easy to dismantle and are therefore recycle.

Social engagement

Our commitment to STEM education involves actively promoting the school subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. With the Calliope education initiative, we are thinking about the youth of tomorrow, today. STEGO has enjoyed a range of education partnerships with schools since 2018. The children learn the fundamentals of programming using “Calliope” miniature single-board computers.

Associations foster community. We regard this as an important social asset. We are active in this area too, and promote the work of associations through sponsorship. Among other things, STEGO has been a long-time sponsor of the “Unicorn” football team from Schwäbisch Hall, repeated winner of the German Bowl football championship.

We also regularly support charitable institutions and projects as well as schools in the region around our company location by making donations.


the completion to our quality
and environmental policy

The STEGO Code of Conduct is built upon the international standards set by ZVEI. It outlines the ethical principles guiding our company's responsible behavior. The voluntary adoption of this code serves as a self-commitment actively shared internally and with our valued partners, customers, and suppliers. Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance, expressing our dedication to upholding the highest standards and fostering trust in collaboration.

ISO certificates

The attest to our high standards

Quality is the product of self-imposed duty. That is why STEGO has been quick off the mark and consistent in committing ourselves to internationally recognised ISO management standards. In the interest of the welfare of our customers, partners and employees, STEGO invariably makes the highest levels of safety, risk minimisation, environmental protection and healthcare the top priority in all our operational value creation processes.



According to the US American Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (short: Dodd-Frank-Act), currently, Tantalum, Tin, Tungsten, Gold and their derivatives are categorized as „Conflict Minerals” (often titled as „3TG“). Conflict Minerals can be extracted at many different places, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its adjoining countries. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) defines Conflict Minerals as „3TG“, wherever extracted. However, according to the SEC rule, minerals are only “DRC conflict-free” when their extraction does not directly or indirectly benefit armed groups in the covered countries. The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas („CAHRA“) has a broader scope and covers all minerals, not only the „3TG“. You are welcome to download our detailed Conflict Minerals Declaration under "Downloads".


STEGO products comply with the RoHS requirements. We document this through our declaration of conformity (Download here). RoHS stands for "Restriction of Hazardous Substances" and refers to an EU directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. The RoHS Directive first came into force in 2003 and has been updated several times since then. To our present state of knowledge – we comply with the current RoHS version, giving our customers the maximum security in terms of compliance.


